Sunday, July 27, 2008

Making use of the free sunway annual pass... =D

Enclose here is my FIRST charcoal drawing!!!!!


Not bad aye for an amateur who draws shits. =D
Shouldn't have folded the paper though, kinda spoil it =/ haha!

Still in the subject matter of "happy things", here are also some pictures from our one day spontaneuos trip to SUNWAY LagOOn!

Initially things were quite a hassle, as there were some problems with the processing of our TOA carDs!

Like WHAT?!?

"We're V.I.P you know"- Jovin

*rolls eyes*

Then there was the LOCKER complication. Had to stuff my poor BEAUTIFUL army Nike to squeeze in with Jonathan UGLY, BROWN plain Nike >=D. Poor nike *strokes nike lovingly*..

Speaking of JONATHAN , guess what is his quote for the day?

Me: Is the ride wet? cause i got my handphone and stuff with me LAH.

Jonathan: No lah.... Leeeetlllleeee biiiitttt weettt ONLY!!!!!!!! *indications of little with fingers*


We went on a roller coaster, and some other rides...

And guess what i saw? NAKED MEN ==""""

I'm scarred for life.

Kevin and Jovin and the row of half-NAKED INDIAN MEN!

*sings song* one lettle, two leetle , three naked indians....

I'm betting their from India big time.

Here's Kevin and Jovin with his i-so-macho(NOT!) look.

The next picture might be too horrifying for little children....


Group pic. =D

And here's the result after our last ride! SOAKING WET!

REmember what Jonathan said?

"Just a leetleeeeee biiiittttt weettttt only!"

Had fun though =D

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