Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This movie had a lil tête a tête with Beverly hills, did some major ass-whacking plastic surgery, went for a spa bath in Hollywood, gulp down a sea full of Titanic-U-Jump-I-Jump and a large dose of opium...

And the last continent standing had to be Africa!
Now don't get me wrong, i've got nothing against african-americans, and mocha people in general
Heck i love Africans, from their culture right down to their Darlie-ad smiles.
But.. COME ON! Understandably Obama is the US President. Still, it's at its borderline.... until it pulls it up a notch, and goes over the top with the geologist/archaeologist!

Gord, What a suck up.

Unfortunately the only thing (barely) holding this movie up, would be it's mind-blowing, on the edge, special Fex.

Fortunately, the cinematography, along with it's fancy special fex makes for a very good cover-up to it's... ineffable, generic of clichés, plot.

This is a bad bad movie, with really good actors and superb effects.

So go watch it, but try not to expect too much.
And you'll feel exhilarated.

Which can also be from that opium earlier on...

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